Villa Stenkulla

« Tillbaka

Day 7

12 november, 2007

With a damaged bus, due to a parking glitch, the more or less non-stop journey to Tsitsikamma National Park was a bit trying (just a quick stop in Plattenberg bay for lunch)). The Guest lodge where we were to stay for the next two nights….had seen it’s better days…..and the small village (Storms River) with only 5-6 houses on the street and was quickly “done”. In Swedish we were staying “baki-ashlet-på-fan”. ….With no TV and no other means of entertainment….it meant dinner and another early night ! (But Mika and I did manage to get Internet access, on the landladies’ computer, for 20 minutes, so we could communicate with the “outside world” for a bit.) 🙂

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